Created in the early 2000s by four young saxophonists freshly graduated from the Strasbourg Conservatoire and immediately singled out by the Jazz Migration programme as one of its first awardees, the StraSax group has established itself over the years as a true institution on the French jazz scene. On their 20th anniversary, the quintet had embarked on an ambitious dialogue with a wind ensemble arranged by Bernard Struber, but is now going back to basics to celebrate its quarter-century of existence. True to its atypical orchestration, articulating the contrapuntal material of a saxophone quartet with the pulse of a definitely jazz drum kit, StraSax offers us a new variation on its refined music, subtly blending the Afro-American tradition with contemporary Western music.
Coproduction Jazzdor, WM Music et Collectif OH!
Michael Alizon, saxophone
Christophe Fourmaux, saxophone
Laurent Wolf, saxophone
Franck Wolf, saxophone
Francesco Rees, drums