Pianist François Raulin has been heading up the La Forge collective, a creative platform for composers and improvisers based in the Rhône-Alpes region, for nearly 25 years now. He has constantly been involved in cross-disciplinary projects, convinced that dialogue between the arts and cultures could give rise to new forms of ‘understanding' and harmony. Working in close collaboration with Jean-Marc Rochette, a cartoonist and comic book writer with a passion for mountaineering, he co-wrote this wonderful work, in which a series of drawings produced on the spot resonate with an impromptu musical score. Paying close attention to the dynamics of the hand at work, François Raulin and Richard Bonnet improvise music that is atmospheric, narrative and powerfully dramatic – with a great deal of poetic force – in response to the expressiveness of the line.
Jean-Marc Rochette drawing | François Raulin piano | Richard Bonnet guitar